In this letter dated February 12, 1862, a man named John Nevett is requesting clemency and sentence commutation for a convicted murderer named Patrick Fitzgerald. The request was sent to Mississippi Governor John Pettus. Fitzpatrick killed a man…
This letter from Lawyer John Thompson of Ripley. Mississippi was sent to Mississippi Governor John Pettus. it is a request for a pardon for murderer B.F. Jackson.
A letter written by lawyer John W. Thompson to Mississippi Governor John Pettus, requesting a pardon for a man named Green Smith who was convicted of murder.
Notice in the paper that the Adams County (Mississippi) Circuit Court convicted Patrick Fitzgerald of murder. Provides a scathing account of Mr. Fitzgerald.
A brief article in the paper reporting that Mississippi Governor McRae had granted Patrick Fitzgerald a respite from execution. It was postponed from December of 1856 to February of 1857.
Print depicting the hanging of a northern abolitionist, with tar boiling in the background, and the judge passing sentence sitting upon cotton, tobacco and the Constitution.